Sunday, February 12, 2006

Periodic posting of a little known Hillary fact

Some of the latest banter from Mrs. Clinton:

Saying she takes "a backseat to nobody when it comes to fighting terrorism," Clinton accused the White House of portraying critics of Iraq and Afghanistan policy as comforting the enemy.

Oh really. So I guess the Clinton’s repeated invitations to Yassar Arafat were part of this strategy. Mr Arafat stayed at the White House during Clinton's presidency more than any other foreign dignitary.

"Since when has it been part of American patriotism to keep our mouths shut?" she said.

Since when? Since we have troops dying overseas. Does it do them any good to oppose their cause? Dissent is OK, but shouldn’t it wait until our troops are all home. Can’t we delay the voice of protest until we’re sure it’s not going to inspire the enemy to continue their fight. If you people HAD kept your mouths shut perhaps we would have been victorious in Vietnam and maybe the Cold War could have ended sooner.

Clinton drew thunderous applause when she mocked the administration's failure to track down the 6-foot-5 bin Laden. "You cannot explain to me why we have not captured or killed the tallest man in Afghanistan," she said.

I can explain, because the Pakistanis are helping, Afghanistan is a very big country with lots of hiding places. Plus, your husband passed on an opportunity to do the job himself. I bet it's not very common knowledge that Slick Willie was so busy rubbing elbows with the Hollywood elite at a charity golf event that he failed to order an airstrike attack on a target where Bin Laden was suspected to be. Maybe we would've gotten him that day...maybe not. We'll never know. One thing's for sure, Senator Clinton should remember her husband's administration before she goes accusing Bush of being soft on terror.


Gayle said...

Senator Clinton will not remember anything about Clinton's administration other than Monica Lewinski! I'll bet she remembers that.

So she said she "takes a backseat to nobody when it comes to fighting terrorism" does she? Hoo! What a liar she is! I have a soft, furry and very agreeable little cat that would be better at fighting terrorism than she is. My goldfish would be better at it, and he died three days ago!

What a crock.

Good post, John. :)

John Washburn said...

Thanks, Gayle...and I'm sorry to hear about your goldfish.

Dan Trabue said...

" Dissent is OK, but shouldn’t it wait until our troops are all home. Can’t we delay the voice of protest until we’re sure it’s not going to inspire the enemy to continue their fight."

No, it can't wait until troops are home when the war is an unjust and illegal one.

Suppose there was a president that invaded another country and you thought that this invasion was an illegal invasion. Ought you keep quiet under guise of supporting the troops, even though you and half of the country were convinced of the illegality of the invasion?

And what if you thought that this invasion was only destabilizing the world climate causing an increased risk of attack?

Would you remain quiet under such circumstances? If so, why?

John Washburn said...

Dan, the minute I saw that my "dissent" was fueling our enemy's motivation to wage war...I absolutely would keep my mouth shut. Soldiers are dying, and some of them are dying because Ted Kennedy likened the war to Vietnam, or Michael Moore made a propaganda film. Things are hard enough in Iraq without half the country opposing the cause

Dan Trabue said...

Then we shall need to disagree on that matter, I'll dissent BECAUSE our soldiers are dying and because Bush's actions are causing it. I can do naught else.

To not oppose an unjust and illegal war is in no uncertain terms, wrong, wrong, wrong. Evil.

I wish Germans had stood opposed to Hitler in his day (not saying that Bush = Hitler, just that both were wrong and ought to have been opposed strongly.)