Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Clap for your inaction

As usual, I enjoyed the President’s speech last night. Whether it’s his speech writers or his ability to connect with the audience, Bush has always been good at these kinds of addresses. He was on message with the war on terror. His ideas about energy and education were promising. And I appreciated his reference to “our Creator”. No matter how you feel about the man, at the very least he’s always true to his faith.

But, by far, my favorite part of the speech was when Bush stated that Congress did not pass his social security proposals. This received a standing ovation from the Democrats on the President’s right. Doesn’t this perfectly personify the Democratic Party, if not politicians in general? The President had some good proposals last night, but they chose to cheer themselves for…not doing anything. This comes at a time when, in my opinion, social security has become a major problem. It’s a problem that has to be fixed, and quickly. Yet the Democrats give themselves a standing ovation for passing the buck, for not doing a thing about one of the biggest domestic problems we face. Well, congratulations Dems. If inaction is worthy of applause, then you deserve high praise.

But the social security problem has not gone away, which the President quickly pointed out. It’s still there, staring my generation in the face. He then basically said, “Got a better idea? Let’s hear it.” So applaud all you want. Pat yourselves on the back for avoiding the issue. Perhaps one day, the voters will grow weary of this and send you guys packing.

1 comment:

TexasFred said...

What the Dems need to learn is, if you're not working on a solution to the problem, you're PART of the problem and last night showed the entire nation just how much of a problem the Dems REALLY are...