Monday, February 06, 2006

Good news from Iraq

Today’s post is an attempt to spread news that should be leading every news broadcast and plastered on the front page of every newspaper, but for some interesting reason is not.

Here is the link to the article that sparked this post.

It seems as though the Iraqi people have finally had enough of Al-Qaeda, which comforts me in the sense that this truth is what will eventually be a distinguishing characteristic of the Iraq War. This should be enough to silence the “it’s another Vietnam” critics. The locals are fighting for their own freedom. They want to be free. They want democracy. They reject the radical fanatics that are trying to hijack their country. God bless them for that.

To the administration’s credit, they believed this would happen all along and so did I. The only problem is that it didn’t happen as soon as they thought it would, which is what brought about all of the criticism heaped at them from the Left.

What’s especially encouraging is the poll showing that only 7% of Iraqis feel that attacks on Iraqis are justified. Granted, a larger percentage still support attacks on Americans, but this seems to be due to the fact that they want us out and want to rule their country themselves. A local leader in Anbar Province said this: "Iraq has its men, its honorable resistance, and we will drive out the Americans and liberate our country ourselves." I understand they want us out, and we want to get out. So we agree on this point. At least they have begun to recognize who the bad guys really are. At least they now recognize that the radicals aren’t on their side. This is what will get us out of Iraq quicker than anything else.

What really bothers me about this is that I found this report on the Christian Science Monitor, which begs the question: Why isn’t this being reported fervently all over the major networks and newspapers? I know the answer to that question, but I would like for someone who doesn’t believe that the media is biased towards the Left to give their answer to this question. The comment line is wide open!

1 comment:

Gayle said...

John, I really don't qualify to comment on this post because I do believe the media is slanted toward the left! My answer would be easy. It will, however, be interesting to come back and read any comments left by anyone who doesn't think the media is slanted to the left!

Interesting post. Good information I didn't know about. Thanks! :)