Saturday, February 18, 2006

KFC Burning

The latest cartoon protests, this story from Sean Hannity's website:

As I read through this, the one quote that catches my attention is this:

"The European newspapers have abused our religion," said Shaukat Khan, 22 and jobless, his eyes streaming from police tear gas near the burning bus stand. "We are expressing our anger. Usually protesters are peaceful but some miscreants do bad things and other people join them."

I love the phrase 'his eyes streaming from police tear gas...' placed right before he says 'protesters are peaceful'. This was stated in the shadow of the burning buildings that led police to use the tear gas in the first place. The irony of it all is quite fascinating. They even burned a KFC restaraunt!

Now, I'm not a fan of Pam Anderson, but she could show these people a thing or two on how to protest peacefully. She also has a beef with KFC, but 'expressed her anger' in a truly peaceful way in that she didn't burn down one of their restaurants. Then again, we are talking about a group of people who usually murder innocent civillians as a means of expressing their anger, so maybe burning down a few buildings is, in their minds, peaceful. Perhaps this is just a context problem.

I'm not encouraging Ms Anderson to travel to Pakistan to demonstrate her protesting ability. Surely her skimpy garments would incite even more anger and she likely would return to the US in multiple pieces. I'm merely pointing out that these people have a warped idea of what the word 'peaceful' actually means and those that still believe Islam is a 'religion of peace' obviously share that warped idea.

I wonder if it ever occured to Mr Khan that he would better serve his religion if he actually protested against those who were burning these buildings down. But, then again, that thought has escaped just about every one of his religion's major leaders, so it may be asking too much.

Anyway, I thought the quote was worth sharing.

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