Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Convenient Hoax

I hate to keep coming back to this topic, but, frankly, I’m getting a little sick of the whole “global warming” hysteria. Now Paramount will make a movie based on Al Gore’s latest book, “An Inconvenient Truth.” The title gives us a lot of insight into what Gore considers to be the truth.

Fact: Global warming is a theory that has yet to be proven. In fact, most scientific studies performed in an effort to support the theory have shown NO EVIDENCE that human-induced global warming exists.

Fact: Major atmospheric warming has not occurred over the past 50 years even as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have increased

Fact: The atmospheric temperature fluctuates, but it currently rests BELOW the 3,000 year average

Fact: During the past 20 years, atmospheric temperatures have actually trended DOWN

Fact: Standing timber in the United States has already increased by 30% since 1950. There are now 60 tons of timber for every American. Tree-ring studies further confirm this spectacular increase in tree growth rates. It has also been found that mature Amazonian rain forests are increasing in biomass at about two tons per acre per year. A composite of 279 research studies predicts that overall plant growth rates will ultimately double as carbon dioxide increases.

Fact: The Earth has warmed slightly in the past CENTURY, but the majority of that occurred prior to 1940, before 80% of the human-produced carbon dioxide was added to the atmosphere

Fact: America has invested about $18 Billion into researching global warming. While we have discovered that the 20th century is warmer than the previous four centuries and there is clear evidence that some glaciers are receding, there is no…repeat NO evidence showing ANY connection between these trends and human activity or greenhouse gases. The proverbial smoking gun simply does not exist.

Fact: Many economic experts feel that the restrictions that would be imposed on US industry from the Kyoto Agreement (If the US were to sign it) would threaten to plummet the US economy into a major recession, even a possible depression.

Snow caps have melted before, glaciers have receded before. The Earth's temperature fluctuates and is related to over 5 million different variables. Is human behavior enough to influence this planet's climate? The evidence is lacking at best. Gore calls his book “An Inconvenient Truth”. Considering the reputation of the enviro-Nazis, I think a more fitting title would be “A Convenient Hoax.” And I’ll stick to that until someone can bring forth indisputable evidence linking human activity to global changes in the Earth’s climate.

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