Sunday, April 02, 2006

Immigration reform? Yeah right.

With all the ongoing debate about illegal immigration now suddenly rising to the front page, I wanted to make a few comments of my own. I find it interesting how this has suddenly become a critical issue for our political leaders. Illegal immigration has been a problem for years, dating well into the 1980s and beyond. It’s been nearly 5 years since the 9/11 attack. Why now? I don’t suppose it has anything to do with the upcoming elections.

Perhaps it’s my cynicism towards politicians, but despite all the heated debate I don’t think a damn thing will be done about the illegal immigration problem. The fact is: 1) the latino vote is too precious to the Democrats. 2) the cheap labor is too precious to the economy and thus precious to Republicans. It’s in no politician’s best interest to stop illegal immigration. So if anyone thinks that Bill Frist or Ted Kennedy or Hillary Clinton are going to solve this problem, think again.

They may pass a bill, in fact it’s likely that "immigration reform" will be pushed through. These people want to be able to stand before voters and thump their chests about how they "cared" enough about the citizens to take action. But any bill they pass will be soft, it will have no teeth for enforcement and will accomplish very little in actually solving the problem.

In truth, the only real answer begins with kicking our political leaders—all of them—to the curb (in fact, this is the first step to solving A LOT of America’s problems). Once we do that, and the PEOPLE regain control of this country, then things can change for the better. Until then, it’s politics as usual.

1 comment:

Gayle said...

I'm hoping Frist will be able to at least improve things regarding the immigration problem. Anything is better than what we have now.

As far as Kennedy or Hillary improving anything... nevermind. I think I'll keep my mouth shut. :)