Sunday, March 05, 2006

These people are protesting soldiers' funerals

In case anyone is wondering, this group is responsible for organizing pickets of funerals for soldiers killed in action. These people should be exposed for the treason that their committing. I want the entire blogosphere to know that these people DO NOT represent my God, nor do they represent Christianity. They are as extremist as Al Qaeda and should be punished in a similar manner. If it were up to me, they'd all be deported to Gitmo to share jail cells next to the Islamic terrorists.

I have included a link to their website. I hesitate to advertise for them, but like the videos of the beheadings, I think everyone should view this. Everyone should read their website in order to understand the vastness of their derangement. Hopefully, the MSM will pick up on this, although they may be genuinely conflicted between harassing a "christian" extremist church and defending the honor of a dead soldier...tough call for the MSM. Well, maybe they won't act, but the people should at least be aware that there is a group claiming to be Christians and acting openly anti-American right here in the heartland (Topeka, Kansas). I will continue to stay on top of these people because, quite frankly, I'm pissed off at these people for slandering my God, my Bible and my Country.

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