Monday, March 13, 2006

A last resort worth looking into for Iraq

This article from the Christian Science Monitor illustrates how the Iraqi government has begun scrambling to avert civil war.

While reading this I was reminded of Michael Savage’s comments in his latest book. In this book, Savage suggested that in order to avoid civil war the US and allied forces should have treated Iraq like Germany in the 40s. We should have split the country into 4 sections: Give one to the Kurds, one to Kuwait, and have one each for the Sunnis and Shiites. This is a brilliant idea in my mind and it may not be too late to implement.

The Iraqi government is trying, you’ve got to give them credit for that, but it may not be enough. If we can get their Parliament seated and get the security forces up to speed, then we may be able to get out before all-out civil war erupts…if it hasn’t already. That way, we can stand back and basically say “we turned it over to you, and look what happened.” But if we fail at this, and civil war breaks out, it could be a problem having our troops in the middle of it trying to play the role of referee. At that time, I think we should give Mr. Savage’s idea a much closer look. It very well could be the only way to bring this conflict to an advantageous conclusion.

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