Sunday, March 05, 2006

Christianity's version of Al Qaeda

This is an excerpt from the Westboro Baptist Church (Topeka, Kansas) website. Remember, these people claim to be Christians doing God's work. The comments below are in regard to American soldiers:

Here are some axiomatic matters of fact:
These turkeys are not heroes. They are lazy, incompetent idiots looking for jobs because they're not qualified for honest work.
They were raised on a steady diet of fag propaganda in the home, on TV, in church, in school, in mass media - everywhere - the two-pronged lie: 1) It's OK to be gay; and, 2) Anyone saying otherwise, like WBC, is a hatemonger who must be vilified, demonized, marginalized into silence.
Therefore, with full knowledge of what they were doing, they voluntarily joined a fag-infested army to fight for a fag-run country now utterly and finally forsaken by God who Himself is fighting against that country.
They turned America Over to fags; They're coming home In body bags.
America used an IED to
bomb Westboro Baptist Church on August 20,1995 - an act of terror aimed at terrorizing us into discontinuing our nationwide Gospel preaching against the homosexual menace.
When America thus became WBC's terrorist, God became America's Terrorist.
Therefore the IED is God's weapon of choice in avenging Westboro Baptist Church by blowing America's kids to smithereens in Iraq. And the carnage has barely begun.
Thus, their funerals are the forum of choice for delivering WBC's message of choice.

Folks, this is treason. There is no other way to look at it. I will forward this to as many webmasters as I can. I want these people exposed and I want the MSM to get on board with this. These people are harassing the grieving families of our brave soldiers, flying the American flag upside down, and verbally attacking those who don't share their opinions. They are Christianity's version of Al Qaeda and the country should be made aware of it (I know many of you are already aware of these nutjobs, but the mainstream hasn't yet heard of them).


Dan Trabue said...

John, believe me, I find these folk reprehensible and their actions horrifying - but just a note of clarification: I don't think they've committed treason.

They've committed bad taste, disrespect, they may be breaking some laws perhaps and engaging in a bit of heresy maybe (although, I might think that for different reasons than some on the Right), but unless I've missed something, I don't see that they're doing anything treasonous.

How do you reach that conclusion?

John Washburn said...


Dictionary defintion: Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.

Constitutional definition: Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort

Reading the flyer that I posted from this group shows something that would qualify as "adhering to their enemies" and certainly as "giving them aid and comfort". Put this question to a jury, and there is a good chance they will see it the same way. My next post will address exactly this.

Dan Trabue said...

I dunno. It seems your argument is hinged on their statement:

"Therefore the IED is God's weapon of choice in avenging Westboro Baptist Church by blowing America's kids to smithereens in Iraq. And the carnage has barely begun."

Which is nuts, offensive, wacko and perhaps a bit scary (that people think this way)...but I don't see it rising to the level of giving aid and comfort.

I don't see any court actually convicting them of treason based on what I've read here. For one thing, they never mention support of any sort for Iraqis or terrorists - he's just ranting against the US and gays. Under that guideline, would Pat Robertson be convictable for saying that hurricanes are God's judgement on Florida?