Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Card's had enough

Until Andrew Card gives his side of things, there will be rumors flying about why he resigned. Was there a disagreement in principles? Was this an act of protest against Bush’s policies? Does he have some personal issues to deal with? Is this a pre-emptive action of another scandal? I don’t know, but I will take this opportunity to add to the rumors. This is why I think he resigned, a simple reason. He was tired.
I have posted before that Bush has had to endure (next to Lincoln) perhaps the most difficult presidency in American history. Here’s a brief list: he inherited a poor economy, then 9/11, the Chinese spy-plane incident, the war on terror, Iraq, a controversial election, fighting over supreme court nominees, Katrina, memo-gate, shotgun-gate, the wire tapping scandal and now illegal immigration. Couple this with a belligerent national media that has brutalized this administration at every turn, especially hindering its efforts against international Islamo-fascism, and eventually it begins to take a toll. The White House staff no doubt takes its fair share of the heat with all of this and they’ve (for lack of a better term) worked their butts off for the past six years.
What’s all that work yielded? Well, you don’t have to look any further than the latest approval polls to find that out. 35-40% job approval? Either the president is doing a terrible job (which under the circumstances is quite hard to believe) or the pessimism in this country runs deep. I’m not sure either way, or if there is another reason that I’ve overlooked. But I can say one thing: I don’t blame Andrew Card. In fact, I wouldn’t blame Bush if he decided to quit. The pure ignorance in the general public of the current situation that the United States finds itself in is staggering. We are at war, with the most formidable and determined foe we have ever faced in our history…and still the people and the press just don’t get it. And the fact is, no matter how many suicide bombs go off, no matter how many jetliners crash into our buildings, no matter how many tyrants try to acquire WMDs they will never get it…because they don’t want to get it.
Convincing these people of the importance of the current conflict is about as likely as convincing the Islamo-fascists to lay down their arms and give up…it just aint gonna happen. So it’s quite understandable why Mr. Card resigned. He fought the good fight, but grew too weary. I wish him the best and thank him for his service.

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