Sunday, June 04, 2006

No more cobra bashing

A woman who fell in love with a snake has reportedly married the reptile at a traditional Hindu wedding celebrated by 2,000 guests in India's Orissa state.

Bimbala Das wore a silk saree for the ceremony Wednesday at Atala village near the Orissa state capital Bhubaneswar.

Priests chanted mantras to seal the union, but the snake failed to come out of a nearby ant hill where it lives, the Press Trust of India (PTI) said.

Sounds like the snake didn’t want to perform on his wedding night.

But, more importantly, this is a victory for cobras all over the world who have been denied their right to love whomever they choose. At last, cobras are allowed to love and marry just like everyone else. At last, they don’t have to walk down the street in shame. They can have a normal relationship, and anti-cobra bigots are shaking their heads in disbelief.

And it’s about time. For far too long we’ve been suppressing cobras. Shame on us all. Perhaps, one day, we’ll look back on our anti-cobra mentality and feel grateful at the bravery this one cobra showed in attacking our traditional views of marriage and overcoming centuries of misconceptions about his group.

Bravo, Mr. Cobra. You’ve taught us all a valuable lesson.

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