Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Random comments on random headlines

Hillary Rodham Clinton will call for cutting U.S. dependence on foreign oil by 8 million barrels a day by the year 2025 — a goal she says can be met with more ethanol-based fuel and a $50 billion fund for new energy research.

Hmmm…I’ve heard this somewhere before. Oh yeah, this is Bush’s energy plan, yet he’s still cursed by the environmentalists. But something tells me that when it comes out of Senator Clinton’s mouth it will be praised as brilliant foresight by the tree-hugging lobby.

Mexico's Fox Begins U.S. Trip in Utah

I think we need to keep a close eye on President Fox while he’s in the US. Before we know it, he will have a job in construction, collecting social security and getting his medical care paid for by US taxpayers. Send the Minute Men to Utah!

La. Holds Hurricane Evacuation Drill

I wonder if it involves standing on your rooftop, cursing the government and calling everyone within earshot a racist while shooting at rescue helicopters? Because I don’t think Louisiana needs to work on THAT, they seemed to have perfected it.

Bush Snubs Gore Film on Global Warming

I plan on seeing the film, as soon as I finish a few things on my list:

1) Watch the grass grow
2) Listen to Yoko Ono’s complete collection
3) Have Janet Reno perform a full body cavity search
4) Have a few beers with Ted Kennedy, and let him drive me home
5) Take a vacation to Aruba
6) Go hunting with Dick Cheney
7) See Al Gore’s new global warming movie

My 30 hour budget flight from hell

Must have been flying from San Francisco

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