Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Laugh it up

WASHINGTON - Sometimes, mail call hits Congress like a ton of bricks - literally.
One by one, opponents of illegal immigration have been sending lawmakers real, red bricks with angry messages written on the side: "Build a wall. Deport them all."

While hundreds of thousands of activists took to the streets Monday, lawmakers in Washington dealt with an increase in mail from supporters of a get-tough approach to illegal immigration.

Sen. Wayne Allard, R-Colo., laughed about the heavy bricks he has found in his in-box, saying he'll have to weigh them against the letters and calls he receives from both sides.

"The question I have is, how do they get that through security?" Allard said. "The second thing is, how did they afford the postage? Now that is a motivated citizen."

I emphasized the words "laughed about the heavy bricks" for a reason. I think it says a lot about the cavalier attitude our lawmakers have had towards this whole illegal immigration fiasco.

That’s alright. Keep laughing. An election is just around the corner. We’ll see how funny it is on November 8.


TexasFred said...

Well, come November, we'll see how hard they laugh...

Chetan said...

Good Laugh Ones.

Ha ha.

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