Sunday, July 09, 2006

The UN is after our guns

by Jack McLain Vice - Chairman, Constitution Party of Florida

For many years the United Nations has had their eye upon the guns of the worlds’ citizens. Socialists and Communists know from experience that removing guns from the people is the best way to remove their freedom. Americans know from experience that we needed our arms to win our freedom and that we had better keep them if we are to remain free !

The Associated Press reported in 1994, "So quietly that even the gun lobby hasn’t noticed, the United Nations is beginning to set its sights on global gun control." U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan reported to the General Assembly in 2000, "Some progress is already being made as States [nations] tighten their arms export legislation and collect and destroy surplus weapons." Today gun owners are very alert to efforts being made nationally and internationally to confiscate their guns.

Now at the very season of the 230th anniversary of the celebration of our July 4th signing of our Declaration of Independence, as if intentional, the United Nations is holding an international affair to finalize a treaty to take away the gun rights of citizens worldwide. Under such a treaty, if honored by our "wilting" leadershp, Americans could lose their rights to self-protection under the Second Amendment. Is our Constitution still effective? We had better be certain.

The United Nations has proven itself to be anti-gun. The statue at the U.N. headquarters depicts a revolver with a knotted barrel as significant of the position of the organization. U.N. forces have disarmed civilians in Kosovo, Haiti, and Somalia. The U.N. funded Commission on Global Governance in 1995 published the statement, "We strongly endorse community encourage the disarming of civilians..."

More than 100 members of the United Nations and more than 500 gun-ban groups worldwide are involved in this conference to draft a global "Treaty on Small Arms." Six supposedly "free" countries: the United Kingdom, Sweden, The Netherlands, France, Norway, and Belgium are among those aiding and supporting the global gun ban treaty movement. As reported by Wayne LaPierre of National Rifle Association, "This past year marked the 60th anniversary of the end of WWII---a war in which liberation and freedom for dozens of nations was bought with American blood." Over 400,000 Americans died to bring freedom for others. Now many of these nations are working with dictatorships and terrorist states to render our Bill of Rights ineffective and to bring other peoples to servitude.

"Libya and Cuba are seated on the U.N. Human Rights Commission, and even Sudan--the only country that still allows slavery--is in charge of this Commission. Yet they arrogantly claim that your freedoms are to blame for the problems of the world!!!", reported LaPierre.

Surely the United Nations crowd wants to disarm the nations of the world to the end that we will be slaves to the global government being planned. Once free Americans will no longer be able to rely on the protection of our Second Amendment to keep and bear arms.

To allow such happenings in the free land of the United States of America borders on insanity. Wisdom has vanished and vision is blinded. God reminds us that, "Where there is no vision, the people perish."

Gun Owners of America is striving to awaken Americans to the dangers we face. They have sought the influence of America’s U.N. Ambassador John Bolton who has assured them that he would continue speaking out against infringements on the gun rights of Americans. Freedom loving Americans need to be alerted to respond to the call to demand that our freedoms be unchallenged. All gun groups should be especially active as well as encouraging others to join them to preserve this most essential freedom---if America is to survive.

The Constitution Party of Florida stands on our party Platform which emphasizes the guarantee of the Second Amendment to keep and bear arms, that "it may not properly be infringed upon or denied." "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have them." We further call for the termination of membership in the United Nations and the removal of its operations on United States territory.

While Americanists are sleeping, we are gradually being deceived and deprived of our very basic rights. It is past time to get off our comfortable couches, wake up, and to get into the battle! The days of "Let George do it" are past, my friend

If the UN wants my gun, then they can come and try to take it, along with the millions of other Americans who hold their "right to bear arms" true to heart. I qualified as an expert with a 9mm pistol. I have 16 bullets, so you'd better send at least 17 people to take it!

1 comment:

Dan Trabue said...

All I've seen on this is from gun advocates so what I'm about to say is dependent upon what the story actually is/what the UN is actually trying to do, BUT it may surprise you to know that I'd agree with you that I don't want the UN to decide whether or not we can have handguns or hunting rifles, that sort of thing. I'd be surprised if the UN is actually trying to get rid of those types of basic guns, but I'd oppose them if they were to do so.

Just like I'd oppose big corporations taking away my right to clean water or clean air. I'm a consistent believer in personal liberty and personal responsibility and local sovereignty and opposed to actions that infringe upon those rights and responsibilities.