Tuesday, July 25, 2006

PETA and stem cells

PETA's position on stem cell research

This story is fascinating and I think it does a lot in illustrating how extreme and nonsensical PETA really is. They support embryonic stem cell research...ok, no big deal. There are some sound arguments for it (even though I don't buy any of them).

But what's incredible is WHY. PETA supports ESCR because it is a means that could decrease the amount of animal testing that is being done throughout the country. What?

Yes, it's true. Stem cell research COULD lead to scientific advances that benefit humans. PETA doesn't particularly care about that. What's important to them is that it means less testing on animals. So, in summation, PETA's position is 'more scientific testing on humans, less on animals'.

Is anybody else frightened by the insanity of this? I think these people have seen too many Bambi movies, not that I have anything against deer (I think everyone should have one in the crosshairs of their rifle), but to elevate animals above humans?

I wonder if these tree-hugging, granola-eating, whale-watching, baby-seal-saving quacks have any credibility with the general American public? My guess is, they probably have about as much as the ACLU and the UN. And whatever credibility was left will probably disappear with this story.

1 comment:

Cody O'Connor said...

"whatever credibility was left will probably disappear with this story."

If the MSM covers the story, yeah. But I have a feeling it won't be too big on any news station.