Thursday, July 13, 2006

Don't kick a bear

Israel has retaliated with brutal force against an enemy that doubted their will to use that force.

That’s what this all boils down to. Israel is a much more powerful entity than Hezbollah or Hamas. They are capable of much more destruction. So why would these smaller, weaker organizations provoke them?

Americans can answer that better than anyone else. Back on Sept. 11, 2001, we were struck in similar circumstances. The most powerful nation in the world was hit by a smaller, weaker organization. Why?

There are many reasons why, but one of them has to be…because they didn’t think we had to will or the resolve to use the force that we possessed. If Bin Laden knew that attacking on 9/11 would ultimately lead to the toppling of two of the most terror-friendly regimes in the world, would he still have done it?

It’s a fair question. And if Hamas/Hezbollah knew that Lebanon would undergo the attacks that are currently underway, would they have thought twice about kidnapping those soldiers? That also is a fair question.

I think it’s safe to say that the resolve of both America and Israel have been underestimated…so far. I think in many ways the jury is still out on our resolve.

Yet, this article shows one phrase repeated many times in the international response to Israel’s actions… "disproportionate force". What? Israel is being criticized for using the one thing that should discourage her enemies from attacking her?

Disproportionate force is what keeps whatever peace we have on this planet
Disproportionate force is what ended the bloodiest war in human history
Disproportionate force is probably the only thing keeping North Korea from attacking its neighbors, including us
Disproportionate force, or the threat of it, is the very thing that gives the UN whatever power it has
Disproportionate force is what discourages bad people from doing bad things

It may not be fair to use it, but Israel didn’t start this mess, and WE didn’t start our war with Al Qaida and international terrorism. So, don’t blame the powerful for using the force that everyone knew was there.

If I kick a grizzly bear in the groin, then would the bear be at fault for mauling me afterward?


TexasFred said...

We didn't react this roughly after 9-11, but we should have, and it's NOT too late either...

Dan Trabue said...

"If I kick a grizzly bear in the groin, then would the bear be at fault for mauling me afterward?"

You would be correct to think it unwise to kick a grizzly. So, why is it that we're doing our best to stir up support for "terrorists"? Wouldn't a soft answer be the wiser one, given that we agree that it is unwise to kick grizzlies?

Okay, okay, I quit. I'll stop repeating my position...but you DID ask. I'll refrain from commenting on general peacemaking/warmongering topics here, okay? We've all had enough I reckon.

Gayle said...

John, this is excellent. If you were using HaloScan I would do a trackback because you and I are on the same page.

If you kick a bear in the groin, you'd better have an equalizer ready! :)

Greaat post!

Gayle said...

Ooops. Typo. That's what I get for being in a hurry.

Anyway, I realize you are saying that Israel is the bear who has been kicked in the groin, and it's true. And 9/11 was kicking another bear in the groin! We need to wake up and react like we still have cajones attached to our groins! (Well, not me. As I'm female, mine are metaphoric.)