Saturday, July 15, 2006

Israel's lesson for us all

I gotta say, I'm extremely impressed with the Israeli people. They are waging war the way I wish America could. It's been several days of relentless bombing and the use of "disproportionate" force (in the eyes of some), and I have yet to hear a single word of dissent from an Israeli citizen, political leader, or media outlet. And you'd better believe that if people were voicing dissent, the MSM would be all over them.

Does that mean that every single Israeli agrees with what it's government is currently doing? I doubt that. There are some pretty deep political divisions within that country. So, I'm sure there are many who believe in a policy of restraint, or at least woundn't advocate all-out war over three kidnapped soldiers.

So what's impressive about it is that, even though I'm sure there is disagreement within Israel, we aren't hearing it. The Israeli's know that they are surrounded by danger, and they know that disarming Hamas and Hezbollah is in the best interest if the WORLD. So, they keep their mouths shut. Perhaps, when all of this is over, they will debate the merits of the current campaign, but not while it's ongoing. America could learn a lesson from them.

Like us, they believe in healthy dissent, but the difference is that the dissenters know of the proper time and place to voice their dissent...and it's NOT when their soldiers are engaged in a violent campaign with the enemy.

My guess is the Left is probably actively criticizing Israel, so I doubt the lesson will be learned. But it would be nice if we, as a nation, followed their example.


Pat in NC said...


Gayle said...

Since you read my last post you absolutely know that I agree with you.

We could learn many things from Israel. I suppose when push comes to shove in this country the liberals will change their tune, but it will take them feeling personally threatened in order for them to do so. Remember World War II and what it took for America to finally drag it's reluctant heels into that war. And yet we are called "warmongers!"

Excellent post, John.

Anonymous said...

Amen brother, amen.

Excellent post. I wish all Americans would stand behind the decisions that our leaders have made. You don't have to agree with them but don't disgrace our country by voicing your opinions during the campaign to help protect your backside from more terror attacks.