Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Liberals attacking children, two examples

Pulled these stories off of The Blaze today.  Had to repost.

The Wonkette (some sort of Liberal - Marxist propaganda website) posted a "tribute" to Trig Palin on the little boy's 3rd birthday this past Monday.  Trig is the youngest son of Sarah Palin.  He suffers from Down Syndrome.  Here are a few highlights of the Liberal website's birthday greeting:

"...we are privileged to live in a time when we can witness the greatest prop in world political history...What’s he dreaming about? Nothing. He’s retarded...Sarah went to a whole lot of trouble to name him ‘Van Palin,’ a ‘Van Halen’ reference he will never get..."

You get the point.  Normally, I wouldn't post such mindless hate.  But in this case I have a point to make about it.  Why would a Liberal (or any human being for that matter) viciously attack a 3 year old child who suffers from a mental disability?  Aren't Liberals supposed to be the ones who stand up for and protect people like this? 

No.  For several reasons.  Liberals basically find it repulsive that Trig was given the chance at life.  Some think it is selfish, and somehow unfair to the child.  Some (especially the feminists) absolutely hate seeing genuine motherhood on display, hate seeing a woman love her children so much because motherhood is viewed by them as oppressive.  And still others think Palin exploits the little boy for political gain. 

And there's the Marxists like Wonkette.  These are the people who like to act the part of helping the needy.  They like to claim that they want to help those who can't help themselves.  But, in truth, Marxists don't want that at all.  Marxists view the needy as a power base.  Anything we can give them will be returned by "grassroots" support, power to the people, workers of the world unite, etc, which ultimately means political power.  So their "help" for the needy is nothing more than political bribery.  That's why they don't particularly like those who are in true need of help.  Marxists will give lots of money to welfare brood mares, but hate the idea of helping or loving someone like Trig Palin.

The fact is Marxists believe that all humans exist to serve the State and nothing else.  Anyone who is unfit or incapable of serving the State really doesn't have a reason to live.  That's primarily why they hate people like Trig Palin.  And that's why Marxist regimes are known for "eliminating" the imperfect citizens.  Abortion is just the Americanized version of it.

In another story, The Blaze posted a video of a 14 year old girl who recently spoke on stage at the Wisconsin Tea Party rally.  The video is impressive because for one the girl is well spoken, displaying excellent grammar and stage presence.  She is homeschooled, so that explains that.  No union teacher has had an opportunity to get his/her filthy paws on this well-polished young lady and as a result her intelligence clearly shows. 

But equally impressive is the reaction of the Wisconsin public union workers protesting the rally - you know, those wonderful teachers that Governor Walker was trying to stiff.  They screamed profanities at the girl, gave her numerous hand gestures, and of course attempted to shout her down.  One union protestor was filmed yelling "go home you f&#*ing brat".   Then they all booed her as she finished her speech with God bless America. 

Ah yes, those wonderful public unions, just trying to earn an honest living.  Just imagine how bad they would've treated her if she had some sort of mental or physical disability.


WomanHonorThyself said...

Just imagine how bad they would've treated her if she had some sort of mental or physical disability. ..very true and very telling!


Great Article, Dr. John.
Thank you. - reb
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