Thursday, March 30, 2006

Damn the Mexican flag!

This is precisely why people are in an uproar about immigration. My heritage is Irish-Welsh, but I am in no way loyal to Ireland or Wales. I am an American. My grandfathers, my dad and myself have served THIS country, not any other. We appreciate our heritage, but that appreciation ends at the flagpole.

Let me take it a step further. I was born and raised in the South. I grew up with southern traditions, customs and culture. I love my southern heritage and I adhere to it everyday. I respect the one-time Confederacy of Southern States. I respect that a group of states took a stand against a tyrannical federal government much like the original 13 colonies once did, but do I fly a Confederate Flag? No. Why not? Because many people find that to be offensive and I am an American…not a confederate.

Do the people of Texas have to be reminded that Mexico once invaded them? That many Texans were killed at the hands of the Mexican army? And now this high school principle wants to fly the Mexican flag next to the Lone Star? The anger I feel about this is impossible to put down in words, but let me just say that not only is it highly offensive to me but the act itself is despicable. While we’re at it, why don’t we fly the Japanese flag over Pearl Harbor? After all, many Japanese-Americans DO currently live in Hawaii. Or the American flag over Hiroshima. How well would that go over?

Let me just say to everyone who immigrated to America…either you’re an American or you’re not. There is no in between. If you’re an American then you’re not Mexican or Italian or Russian or Canadian or Nigerian. You’re American, and by God if you’re American then your loyalty should be to America and you shouldn’t give a damn about your former country’s flag flying on a public flagpole. If you have a problem with this, then you have the God-given freedom to pack up your stuff and LEAVE. You don’t have the right to exploit our nation for her freedoms that were bought by the blood of loyal patriots so that you can continue being a Mexican inside our borders. And I’m NOT just referring to those from Mexico. I feel the same way when I visit Little Italy or Chinatown and see Italian and Chinese flags flying. If you love your ex-country so much, then don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. If these students want to hold a walk-out in protest, then they need to keep walking back across the border. That flagpole is public property and they don’t have the right to put a Mexican flag on a flagpole owned by the America public no more than I have a right to hang a Christian flag or Confederate flag. If this principle isn’t punished in some way, then the people of Texas should react in a way that makes it clear that this WILL NOT be tolerated!

I don’t have a problem with people wanting to immigrate to America. This country was built on immigration…but by people who despised their native country so much that they fled to a better life. So why honor the life you fled? When immigrants become Americans, I expect them to behave just as I would…loyal to America. If they have difficulty with it, then they have no need to become American citizens.

If you want to honor your ex-flag, then I question your loyalty to America. If you don’t have a problem with a foreign flag on a public flagpole, then I question your loyalty as well and challenge you to remain quiet when someone hoists a Confederate flag on the same pole. Remember, many Americans died at the hands of Mexican, Chinese, Italian and Japanese soldiers; so for that reason alone it will be a cold day in hell before any one of those flags fly over the land they died fighting to protect.

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