Friday, January 27, 2006

Must read recommendation for the week

The below post explains it. This week's recommendation:

Dereliction of Duty: The eyewitness account of how Bill Clinton compromised America's nation security.

by Lt Col James Patterson

Col Patterson acted as President Clinton's military aide for several years, and during that service he witnessed some pretty remarkable and downright frightening things. This is a quick read, you can probably finish it in a weekend, but the residual effects will reinforce your anti-Clinton position. It's good that he can't run for office anymore, but Hillary's campaign will no doubt be starting soon. Arm yourself with the truth.


TexasFred said...
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TexasFred said...

There were a lot of good people that worked in and around the Military/Intelligence community that personally witnessed the demise of our forces due to the ineptness of Clinton and Co.

Some of it was a reduction in Military and some was the dismantling of the various Intell agencies and IMO, that led directly to 9-11 having happened...

To say *the ball was dropped* doesn't begin to describe the debacle of the Clinton administrations assault on America...