Monday, October 30, 2006

Cosby calls it like it is

Cosby critical of black parents

There is a very disturbing trend within the black community that I just don’t understand. That trend involves criticizing success. If a black student works hard and makes the honor roll, that student is teased for acting white. The same is true for someone who speaks in proper English or dresses conservatively. If a black adult becomes successful in a mainstream career or sides with conservative or Republican causes, that person is labeled an Uncle Tom. This is something I do not understand.

The black community is suffering. Currently, over 70% of all black children are born out of wedlock. Poverty and unemployment are high, so is drug use and felony convictions. The leading cause of death for black men under age 25 is homicide. HIV is running rampant in the black community. High school dropout rates remain elevated. These are serious problems that should be addressed, which is why I don’t understand it when a member of the black community seemingly bucks the trend and is criticized for "acting white". It’s shameful, and problems won’t be solved this way.

Enter Bill Cosby. I tip my hat to Bill Cosby because he is one of the few black community leaders that places responsibility on parents and students, and doesn’t use the "white man" as a scapegoat for the failures of the black community. Oprah Winfrey has, at times, done the same. These two people are very successful, and they did it on their own. They should be commended and respected.

But we all know how much criticism Bill Cosby has endured for saying these things. Once again, the words "sellout" and "Uncle Tom" surface. And to his credit, Cosby has not been deterred. It seems that the black community is waiting for someone else (aka, the government) to step in and solve the problems they face instead of taking the initiative and solving them on their own. Well, we’ve had nearly 50 years of the Johnson-era entitlement programs that were meant to solve these problems and guess what…they’re still here. In fact, in many ways, they’ve gotten worse. So maybe the government isn’t the answer. Maybe it’s a mistake to expect the government to solve our problems. Hurricane Katrina should have taught us that.

It’s clear to me that the myriad of difficulties facing the black community won’t go away until: 1) community leaders acknowledge the problems, and 2) they quit blaming others. Why is it whitey’s fault that 70% of black children are born out of wedlock? Until these things happen, the black community in America will be plagued by the issues I mentioned. Keep up the good work, Mr. Cosby. I’m pulling for you.


Anonymous said...

Good post. You put it just right in mentioning the government. This is why so many blacks continue to vote democrat, because Dems want to control everything you do from cradle to grave, including coddling you with welfare programs.

It's time to end the generations-long dependence on the fed to sustain people. In the early days of America, we had no welfare or other social programs. Everybody pulled his weight. The "entitlement" mentality had not been established yet.

Until the black community knocks off this lie they are living in that the white people are responsible for they're woes in this life, things will never improve for the black community. How self-defeating eh?

John Washburn said...

Spot on, John. The "victim" attitude is self-defeating and in no way constructive. If only more black leaders would follow Cosby's lead perhaps the African-American population could solve the problems that plaque them