Thursday, August 21, 2008

A tough week

Obama’s slide continues and there is no doubt that the powers that be in the DNC are getting worried. Ever since his Obamapalooza tour of Europe, the poll numbers have been dipping. Obama’s troubles began then and he has yet to right the ship. And most recently, the events of the past 1-2 weeks have been a near disaster for his campaign. He’s limping into Denver with what appears to be a new strategy. Obama looks poised to get muddy, leaving behind his claim of a new kind of politics. Today, he challenged McCain by saying his opponent “doesn’t know what he’s up against.” If this isn’t the sound of desperation – or perhaps preschoolish whining - then I don’t know what is. Something tells me McCain isn’t afraid. I’m wondering how far Obama is from asking McCain to “step outside”? My money would be on the old man in that one.

McCain’s charge that Obama is an empty celebrity, aka “The One”, has had some effect, and Obama didn’t get any help from Nancy Pelosi when she said that he is “a leader that God has blessed us with.” Really? So now the Dems have reached the point of claiming that God will be voting for Obama in November? Not a bright move from Pelosi, and I’m sure Obama cringed at the remark.

About the same time, the Soviets decide to dust off the hammer and sickle and invade a democratic neighbor. McCain was quick to act tough. Obama urged both sides to exercise restraint. Both sides. The American people saw one candidate unafraid to back down to a bully, the other hesitant to take sides. Big mistake, especially for a party trying desperately to shake their “weak on national security” reputation.

Meanwhile, the Dem convention has turned into Hillary’s gala. Somehow this event changed from Obama’s nomination to the Billary Show. Now Hillary, Bill and even Chelsea have primetime speaking slots. Huh? Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I thought Obama was the winner of the primaries. I doubt the same courtesy would have been extended to the junior Senator had Hillary triumphed. The fact that he allowed Hillary to elbow her way, once again, into the center stage spotlight reflects even more weakness. If he caves that easily to Hillary, how will he do against Ahmadinejad? Or is this a hint that Hillary will be on the ticket? Talk about caving. I can honestly see Obama in the Oval Office telling Hillary to get out of his chair and Bill to get out of his office. That ticket would turn the White House into a frat house.

And then there’s the Saddleback forum. Was this a disaster for Obama or what? Take away the teleprompter and suddenly the oratory master starts spinning his wheels. Most notable was the simple question: “When do babies get human rights?” It was painful watching Obama stumble around that one. For someone who repeatedly votes for abortion rights, including legalizing partial birth abortions, it seems the answer to this question would be quick and easy. But, that’s not how it went down. Obama responded by saying that such an answer was “above my pay grade”. Above my pay grade? What? Did he actually say that? Did he actually say that he is not qualified to answer that question? And yet, he has a problem with people questioning his experience, or lack thereof. You know, there are certain things you expect from a presidential candidate while he’s campaigning, but refusing to answer a simple question because it’s “above my pay grade” isn’t one of them. Is there a higher pay grade in this country than President? I respect people of differing opinions, but I don’t respect people who are obvious in their fence-riding. Take a stand, Obama. Have an opinion. If you don’t know when life begins, then maybe you should rethink your votes for abortion rights, or at least explain them. After all, if there is some uncertainty maybe it’s wise to err on the side of caution instead of the old “kill ‘em all and let God sort them out” type of answer. This was a gaffe, and a huge one at that. Especially compared to McCain’s answer: “at the moment of conception.” Short and to the point. Yes, there will be people who don’t like him for it, but at least he has the guts to voice his opinion.

McCain won that night in a big way, and suddenly the dems are shocked that the old man isn’t rolling over for the Chosen One. But, instead of putting the night behind them and moving on, they have the stones to suggest that McCain cheated. Arrogant? Just a bit. And now amidst the whining Obama says McCain doesn’t know what he’s up against. Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about Obama and the Dems. Although, I think they have a much better idea now. No wonder Obama doesn’t have the guts to take on McCain in his cross-country town hall tour.

Something tells me the Obama campaign is about to get dirty. Next week is the convention. Let’s see how many times they go after McCain, rather than the usual “change we can believe in” and “a new kind of politics”. We’ll see.
The Old Man has turned the Obama campaign on its ear and he is clearly here for a fight. Good for him. Before this election I wasn’t a big fan of McCain’s, but I’m really beginning to warm up to him. He’s feisty. He’s mean. He’s tough as nails. And he has the Dems squirming. That’s alright in my book.


Dan Trabue said...

something tells me the Obama campaign is about to get dirty...

Or, in other words, respond in kind to the McCain campaign?

The American people saw one candidate unafraid to back down to a bully, the other hesitant to take sides. Big mistake, especially for a party trying desperately to shake their “weak on national security” reputation.

That would be ONE take on it. The other take is the more rational approach recognizing that things aren't always black/white, that there are TWO sides involved here with multidimensional reasonings.

We have HAD a president who's foreign policy is to shoot first and ask questions later. We want a change. We don't trust the bushmccain approach - to paraphrase a lesser president: fool us a few times shame on us, fool us a few times more shame... it's a shame.

I will agree with you about the Pelosi quote (assuming you have it right, I haven't heard that snippet) about God blessing us with a leader.

Again, that's the bushmccain approach to politicking and we want a change.

Dan Trabue said...

Obama responded by saying that such an answer was “above my pay grade”. Above my pay grade? What? Did he actually say that?

Again, some of us prefer that sort of answer. We're tired of the folks who know it all and can presume to speak for God and declare they are "the One" who can let us know every right and good thing.

No thanks.

John Washburn said...

C'mon Dan, you can't seriously defend Obama's "pay grade" comment. I was having fun with it. I think he simply misspoke. I don't really believe that he has no opinion on the matter. He just didn't think fast enough.

The problem is that Obama won't admit that he screwed up. Pride can be a dangerous thing. It's simple: "I misspoke. What I meant was that ultimately God will decide when life begins, but for now it's my personal opinion that life begins at birth." Done. Issue closed.

So why hasn't he done that? The fact that he refuses to admit to a simple gaffe makes me wonder if it was a gaffe after all, or if he really meant what he said....which would be much worse. So when he stands beside his comment, and when supporters like yourself defend him for it, he's basically saying that he doesn't know if a fetus is a human being. He doesn't know if that fetus is entitled to basic human rights...yet he's okay with killing it.

That's simply indefensible. Yet he refuses to admit to the mistake, and his supporters defend him. That sort of blind allegiance damages credibility.

Obama's arrogance is staggering. I don't think I've EVER heard him admit to a mistake.



George W. Bush Approval Rating Up A Few Clicks From 28% to 33%...

Pelosi/Reid "No Drill-No Win In Iraq" Congress Sinks To 14% Hmmmm.

DNC Convention, Aug 25-28 and Security Is Tight, Emotions High, and Colorado National Guard At Max 3.

V.P. Choice will be interesting; Best bet, Joe Biden. Strong on Home Security & International Matters (where Obama is weak)...or

Gov Bill Richardson (he stabbed Hillary in the back, endorsed Obama in the Primaries). He's a marshmellow; Might get a few Latino Voters. Flip-A-Coin!


Dan Trabue said...

"I misspoke. What I meant was that ultimately God will decide when life begins, but for now it's my personal opinion that life begins at birth."

That is what I got out of his comment, for what it's worth. I don't see that as misspeaking or screwing up. Perhaps being a bit political with his answer, but given the tone of the abortion debate, I can understand.

Where did he screw up?

Anonymous said...

On the other hand McCain does not know how many residences he owns. Hmmmmmm. Do I wish the leader of the free world to be someone who is unclear about the number of his own freeholds?