Thursday, December 20, 2007

I've made my thoughts about Mike Huckabee known, but the latest headline on his campaign is beyond ridiculous. I don't like the guy's politics and will most certainly NOT vote for him in the primary, but he is getting a raw deal on this Christmas ad fiasco.

In the ad, Huckabee basically says that there is a lot of nastiness going on in politics, and that maybe it's a good idea to put that aside and reflect on what's important this Christmas. He refers to family, friends, and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, which is the reason why Christmas is celebrated and why it is a federal holiday. Naturally, this is enough to have liberals foaming at the mouth, even Catholic League president Bill Donahue called the ad inappropriate. But there's apparently more to the ad. Behind Huckabee is a white bookcase, and the shelves of that bookcase form a cross that appears to "hover" behind Huckabee's head. Donahue says this is a subliminal message and has heavily criticized Huckabee for it. Huh?

Click here to watch this heinous ad

Personally, I think it was well done. Yes, I am tired of all the political ads and we haven't even cast a single vote. So it's refreshing to see a candidate showing his human side, not saying anything derogatory, and wishing viewers good tidings. In short, it was nice. Mike Huckabee is entitled to his beliefs. He celebrates Christmas because of the birth of Christ. That's "what really matters" to him and this ad was partly meant to express that to people. I didn't see anything offensive. I didn't see him thrusting his religion on anyone. He didn't ask anyone to convert to his faith. He made a simple statement about what he believes. Put it this way, had Joe Leiberman run a similar ad in 2000 wishing everyone a Happy Hannakuh, I would have felt the same way, and I certainly would not have been offended or felt as though he was forcing his Jewish faith on me or anyone else. I would have supported Leiberman in doing that as I support Huckabee now.

And the white cross thing is laughable. Yes, I saw the image but it seems purely coincidental. In fact, towards the end it actually resembles an upside-down cross. Maybe Huckabee secretly worships the devil. When you think about it, there are crosses everywhere. Maybe Christians are planning a theocratic coup. You can't spell United States without using 3 crosses, which is the same number that stood on Golgotha the day Christ was executed. Coincidence? Oh, I think not!

But seriously, let's just suppose that it's not a coincidence and the director filmed it that way on purpose. What would the subliminal message be? That Huckabee believes in Jesus? I think he's pretty clear about that. There's nothing subliminal about it. Bill Donahue and the rest of the crazies need to relax a bit. It's okay if a politician talks about Jesus. He's not trying to force you to worship our God. If you vote for him, no one is going to forcibly baptize you.

I never understood the hysteria surrounding Christianity these days. Maybe it's just coming from the left's Bush derangement syndrome, but it seems like whenever a political candidate talks about his faith (especially a Christian faith) the left seems to recoil in horror. There is a fear amongst the lefties of any politician who believes in Jesus. Why? And why now?

For the better part of two centuries this country was run predominantly by Christians. References to America's Christian heritage are everywhere. Our greatest leaders - from Washington to Jefferson to Lincoln to Dr King to Roosevelt - were all devout Christians (yes, I said Jefferson). In fact, Jefferson's claim that our basic human rights are endowed "by our Creator" was an incredibly important fundamental principle in the creation of the USA. Not one of them sought to impose this religion on the nation. Not one of them advocated for a theocracy. Yet, I get the impression that that's exactly what the left fears...that a Christian leader or leaders will attempt to transform American into some fanatical Christian theocracy. Again I say, huh?

I don't know, nor have I ever known, a single Christian who would support such an action. First, the Constitution forbids it, and Christians believe, support and abide by the Constitution. Second, the BIBLE forbids it. Jesus Himself said "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's". This is the very philosophy that found it's way into the first amendment.

America was founded, in part, because people were escaping religious persecution. Protestantism came about, in part, because Christians did not want church leaders to have too much power over them. Let me say it plainly...CHRISTIANS DO NOT WANT AMERICA TO BE A CHRISTIAN THEOCRACY. And, even more importantly, CHRISTIANS DO NOT SEEK TO CONVERT ANYONE AGAINST THEIR WILL. That would be a violation of our God's directives.

I can't be much clearer. And, to be honest, I wonder if there is something more to the story. I wonder if lefties fear Christian leadership for other reasons. Oh well, I guess that's another post. For now, I salute Huckabee for his message. I don't think there was anything malicious about it, and I don't think there is anything offensive about it. He doesn't have my vote, but he has my support in this particular matter.


Anonymous said...


I hope I am not an hysteric but i would like to make two points. The founding fathers, Jefferson in particular, were Deists, rather than Christians. I do not mean to split hairs. Jefferson certainly believed in a Creator and in divine Providence. Certainly the tradition of his religion was Christian. I only wish to point out that in his religious philosophy, Jesus was certainly not central as he is for both Catholics and Evangelicals.

Secondly, I think you are correct in associating President Bush's religiousness w/ many people's wariness about politicians who wear their religion on their sleeves. I would be one of those people.

You may call it "Bush Derangement Syndrome" if you like but there is no question in my mind that he is not popular w/ either Democrats or Independents and that he has acted in a manner, in thought, word, and deed, so as to foster the perception that he believes God speaks to him. What I mean by that is that God is revealing his plan to the President while the rest of us are just receiving the general message.

The problem w/ this particular reaction is that it is polarizing in the extreme and I think we have experienced enough polarization for a while. As I have advised, one reason why I oppose Hillary Clinton is that she is so divisive. The country requires someone else.

On the other hand, religion seems politically important to a large number of Americans and a significant number of those form the GOP constituency.

I am not saying that one can or should divorce him or herself for his or her religion, and as you have pointed out previously, one cannot divorce completely ones religion from one's decision making process.

But when religiosity becomes a litmus test for electability, I think we are on the wrong road.


Anonymous said...

Maybe it was just a sign from The Other Side. Huckabee seems to want fundamentalism. It could never happen, even if Huckabilly really wanted to do it. I don't think he does, he just wants the votes from those who do. He's not stupid enough to want it or to try to do it as POTUS, he's just stupid enough to say it.

Huckleberry is too conservative on religion and too liberal on criminals and the economy and immigration.

Huckabye? Huckabee wants to have adulterers, homosexuals and rape victims stoned to death. He also wants to make alcohol and music videos illegal, and make women 2nd class citizens and to take all girls out of school.

Oops, my bad, that's another 'religion'.

Hey, anybody but the PIAPS!

if you’re MAD
punish your country